Archive | August, 2011

Together, We Lit A Fire!

1 Aug

So, I have to tell you that in all the weeks and months that led up to our first, annual Teaching Out Of The Box Summer Educators Institute, I had that well known line from The Field of Dreams running through my mind: Build it and they will come.

We built it and you came!  It exceeded our expectations.  It made us so happy, so inspired, so full of hope for the real possibilities we feel still exist for education.  But, we couldn’t have done it without you!  Thank you to everyone who was a part of our two day experience.  The creative energy was really flowing at the Hunterdon Learning Center, a setting I know everyone will agree was simply beautiful.  Together, I think we were able to really grab a hold of the true spirit of learning and I know that our own spirits were energized in the process.  We couldn’t have had better participants or presenters and have already begun planning our next event.

Super thanks go to Brod, Carla and Kimberly for being the best trio of presenters any conference could ask for.  I hope that every teacher you meet realizes what a treat it would be to have any of you in their schools.  Also, thank you to Johanna, Katie and Erin for being great go-fer women and all around helpful humans.  Thanks to Claire for running an awesome book shop and giving a generous educator’s discount and much gratitude to new friends Kate Spann and Ed Pagliarini for their photography skills.  And, last but not least, thank you to Toby, Hope, Susan and Steve from the Hunterdon Learning Center for allowing us to invade your beautiful and inspiring space and for supporting our project–we look forward to collaborating with you again.

For anyone who is curious about what we did in these two days, I have posted a complete description of this fun and learning filled event at my 52 Mondays Blog.

This blog will be the place to find out what’s on our calendar and how you can be a part of it.  Check back often or, better yet, become a subscriber to get all our updates!

Be sure to visit the TOOTB Flickr Site to see pictures from the Institute.  To our Dear Participants, add your pictures to the Teaching Out Of The Box Group on Flickr and get your feedback to us in return for your PD Certificate and supplemental handouts.

Much Love,

Dar and Deb